
You can construct a Domain object using the from_size class method

Do refer to the Internals section for more details on how a Domain is implemented.


A class representing a domain containing cells and boundaries.

  • cells (list of Cell) –

    The cells in the domain.

  • left_boundaries (list of Boundary) –

    The left boundaries of the domain.

  • right_boundaries (list of Boundary) –

    The right boundaries of the domain.

  • components (list of str) –

    The names of the components in the domain.

Source code in splitfxm/
class Domain:
    A class representing a domain containing cells and boundaries.

    cells : list of Cell
        The cells in the domain.
    left_boundaries : list of Boundary
        The left boundaries of the domain.
    right_boundaries : list of Boundary
        The right boundaries of the domain.
    components : list of str
        The names of the components in the domain.

    def __init__(
        self, cells: list[Cell], left_boundaries: list[Boundary], right_boundaries: list[Boundary], components: list[str]
        Initialize a `Domain` object.
        # Boundaries list contains both left and right
        # nb indicates number on each side
        self._nb = {btype.LEFT: int(
            len(left_boundaries)), btype.RIGHT: int(len(right_boundaries))}

        self._nx = len(cells)
        # Domain is a list of left boundary, interior cells and right boundaries
        self._domain = [*left_boundaries, *
                        cells, *right_boundaries]
        self._components = components

    @ classmethod
    def from_size(
        nx: int,
        nb_left: int,
        nb_right: int,
        components: list[str],
        xmin: float = 0.0,
        xmax: float = 1.0,
        Initialize a `Domain` object with a uniform grid of cells.

        nx : int
            The number of cells in the domain.
        nb_left: int
            The number of ghost cells on the left side of the domain.
        nb_right: int
            The number of ghost cells on the right side of the domain.
        components : list of str
            The names of the components in the domain.
        xmin : float, optional
            The minimum x-value of the domain. Default is 0.0.
        xmax : float, optional
            The maximum x-value of the domain. Default is 1.0.

            The initialized `Domain` object.

        # Initialize a uniform grid
        xarr = linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
        nv = len(components)
        interior = [Cell(x, zeros(nv)) for x in xarr]

        # Create boundaries
        dx = (xmax - xmin) / nx
        left_boundaries = [
            Boundary(xmin - (i + 1) * dx, btype.LEFT, zeros(nv))
            for i in range(nb_left)
        right_boundaries = [
            Boundary(xmax + (i + 1) * dx, btype.RIGHT, zeros(nv))
            for i in range(nb_right)

        return Domain(interior, left_boundaries, right_boundaries, components)

    def ilo(self):
        Get the index of the leftmost interior cell.

            The index of the leftmost interior cell.
        return self._nb[btype.LEFT]

    def ihi(self):
        Get the index of the rightmost interior cell.

            The index of the rightmost interior cell.
        return self._nb[btype.LEFT] + self._nx - 1

    def nb(self, dir: btype):
        Get the number of ghost cells on each side of the domain.

            The number of ghost cells on each side of the domain.
        return self._nb[dir]

    def cells(self, interior=False):
        Get the cells in the domain.

        list of Cell
            The cells in the domain.
        return self._domain if not interior else self.interior()

    def boundaries(self):
        Get the boundaries of the domain.

        tuple of Boundary
            The left and right boundaries of the domain.
        nb_left, nb_right = self._nb[btype.LEFT], self._nb[btype.RIGHT]
        return self._domain[: nb_left], self._domain[-nb_right:]

    def interior(self):
        Get the interior cells in the domain.

        list of Cell
            The interior cells in the domain.
        nb_left, nb_right = self._nb[btype.LEFT], self._nb[btype.RIGHT]
        return self._domain[nb_left: -nb_right]

    def set_interior(self, cells):
        Set the interior cells in the domain.

        cells : list of Cell
            The new interior cells in the domain.
        self._nx = len(cells)
        nb_left, nb_right = self._nb[btype.LEFT], self._nb[btype.RIGHT]
        self._domain = [*self._domain[: nb_left],
                        *cells, *self._domain[-nb_right:]]

    def num_components(self):
        Get the number of components/variables associated in the domain.

            The number of components in the domain.
        return len(self._components)

    def component_index(self, v: str):
        Get the index of a component.

        v : str
            The name of the component.

            The index of the component.

        return self._components.index(v)

    def component_name(self, i: int):
        Get the name of a component.

        i : int
            The index of the component.

            The name of the component.
        return self._components[i]

    def positions(self, interior=False):
        Get the positions of all cells in the domain.

        list of float
            The positions of all cells in the domain.
        return [cell.x() for cell in self.cells(interior)]

    def values(self, interior=False):
        Get the values of all cells in the domain.

        list of numpy.ndarray
            The values of all cells in the domain.
        value_list = []
        for cell in self.cells(interior):

        # Convert the list of arrays into a single 2D NumPy array
        return np.vstack(value_list)

    def listify_interior(self, split, split_loc):
        Get the values of all interior cells in the domain in a list.

        split : bool
            Whether or not to split the values in each cell into two lists.
        split_loc : int, optional
            The location to split the values in each cell, if `split` is `True`.

            The values of all interior cells in the domain in a list.
        nb_left, nb_right = self.nb(btype.LEFT), self.nb(btype.RIGHT)
        interior_values = self.values()[nb_left: -nb_right, :]

        if not split:
            return interior_values.flatten()
            if split_loc is None:
                raise SFXM("Split location must be specified in this case")

            # Extract outer and inner block values
            outer_values = interior_values[:, :split_loc].flatten()
            inner_values = interior_values[:, split_loc:].flatten()

            # Concatenate outer and inner values into a single array
            return np.concatenate((outer_values, inner_values))

    def update(self, dt, interior_residual_block):
        Update the values of all cells in the domain.

        dt : float
            The time step size.
        interior_residual_block : list of float
            The residuals for the interior cells in the domain.

        for i, cell in enumerate(self.interior()):
            cell.update(dt, interior_residual_block[i])

__init__(cells, left_boundaries, right_boundaries, components)

Initialize a Domain object.

Source code in splitfxm/
def __init__(
    self, cells: list[Cell], left_boundaries: list[Boundary], right_boundaries: list[Boundary], components: list[str]
    Initialize a `Domain` object.
    # Boundaries list contains both left and right
    # nb indicates number on each side
    self._nb = {btype.LEFT: int(
        len(left_boundaries)), btype.RIGHT: int(len(right_boundaries))}

    self._nx = len(cells)
    # Domain is a list of left boundary, interior cells and right boundaries
    self._domain = [*left_boundaries, *
                    cells, *right_boundaries]
    self._components = components

from_size(nx, nb_left, nb_right, components, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0) classmethod

Initialize a Domain object with a uniform grid of cells.

  • nx (int) –

    The number of cells in the domain.

  • nb_left (int) –

    The number of ghost cells on the left side of the domain.

  • nb_right (int) –

    The number of ghost cells on the right side of the domain.

  • components (list of str) –

    The names of the components in the domain.

  • xmin (float, default: 0.0 ) –

    The minimum x-value of the domain. Default is 0.0.

  • xmax (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    The maximum x-value of the domain. Default is 1.0.

  • Domain

    The initialized Domain object.

Source code in splitfxm/
@ classmethod
def from_size(
    nx: int,
    nb_left: int,
    nb_right: int,
    components: list[str],
    xmin: float = 0.0,
    xmax: float = 1.0,
    Initialize a `Domain` object with a uniform grid of cells.

    nx : int
        The number of cells in the domain.
    nb_left: int
        The number of ghost cells on the left side of the domain.
    nb_right: int
        The number of ghost cells on the right side of the domain.
    components : list of str
        The names of the components in the domain.
    xmin : float, optional
        The minimum x-value of the domain. Default is 0.0.
    xmax : float, optional
        The maximum x-value of the domain. Default is 1.0.

        The initialized `Domain` object.

    # Initialize a uniform grid
    xarr = linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
    nv = len(components)
    interior = [Cell(x, zeros(nv)) for x in xarr]

    # Create boundaries
    dx = (xmax - xmin) / nx
    left_boundaries = [
        Boundary(xmin - (i + 1) * dx, btype.LEFT, zeros(nv))
        for i in range(nb_left)
    right_boundaries = [
        Boundary(xmax + (i + 1) * dx, btype.RIGHT, zeros(nv))
        for i in range(nb_right)

    return Domain(interior, left_boundaries, right_boundaries, components)


Get the index of the leftmost interior cell.

  • int

    The index of the leftmost interior cell.

Source code in splitfxm/
def ilo(self):
    Get the index of the leftmost interior cell.

        The index of the leftmost interior cell.
    return self._nb[btype.LEFT]


Get the index of the rightmost interior cell.

  • int

    The index of the rightmost interior cell.

Source code in splitfxm/
def ihi(self):
    Get the index of the rightmost interior cell.

        The index of the rightmost interior cell.
    return self._nb[btype.LEFT] + self._nx - 1


Get the number of ghost cells on each side of the domain.

  • int

    The number of ghost cells on each side of the domain.

Source code in splitfxm/
def nb(self, dir: btype):
    Get the number of ghost cells on each side of the domain.

        The number of ghost cells on each side of the domain.
    return self._nb[dir]


Get the cells in the domain.

  • list of Cell

    The cells in the domain.

Source code in splitfxm/
def cells(self, interior=False):
    Get the cells in the domain.

    list of Cell
        The cells in the domain.
    return self._domain if not interior else self.interior()


Get the boundaries of the domain.

  • tuple of Boundary

    The left and right boundaries of the domain.

Source code in splitfxm/
def boundaries(self):
    Get the boundaries of the domain.

    tuple of Boundary
        The left and right boundaries of the domain.
    nb_left, nb_right = self._nb[btype.LEFT], self._nb[btype.RIGHT]
    return self._domain[: nb_left], self._domain[-nb_right:]


Get the interior cells in the domain.

  • list of Cell

    The interior cells in the domain.

Source code in splitfxm/
def interior(self):
    Get the interior cells in the domain.

    list of Cell
        The interior cells in the domain.
    nb_left, nb_right = self._nb[btype.LEFT], self._nb[btype.RIGHT]
    return self._domain[nb_left: -nb_right]


Set the interior cells in the domain.

  • cells (list of Cell) –

    The new interior cells in the domain.

Source code in splitfxm/
def set_interior(self, cells):
    Set the interior cells in the domain.

    cells : list of Cell
        The new interior cells in the domain.
    self._nx = len(cells)
    nb_left, nb_right = self._nb[btype.LEFT], self._nb[btype.RIGHT]
    self._domain = [*self._domain[: nb_left],
                    *cells, *self._domain[-nb_right:]]


Get the number of components/variables associated in the domain.

  • int

    The number of components in the domain.

Source code in splitfxm/
def num_components(self):
    Get the number of components/variables associated in the domain.

        The number of components in the domain.
    return len(self._components)


Get the index of a component.

  • v (str) –

    The name of the component.

  • int

    The index of the component.

Source code in splitfxm/
def component_index(self, v: str):
    Get the index of a component.

    v : str
        The name of the component.

        The index of the component.

    return self._components.index(v)


Get the name of a component.

  • i (int) –

    The index of the component.

  • str

    The name of the component.

Source code in splitfxm/
def component_name(self, i: int):
    Get the name of a component.

    i : int
        The index of the component.

        The name of the component.
    return self._components[i]


Get the positions of all cells in the domain.

  • list of float

    The positions of all cells in the domain.

Source code in splitfxm/
def positions(self, interior=False):
    Get the positions of all cells in the domain.

    list of float
        The positions of all cells in the domain.
    return [cell.x() for cell in self.cells(interior)]


Get the values of all cells in the domain.

  • list of numpy.ndarray

    The values of all cells in the domain.

Source code in splitfxm/
def values(self, interior=False):
    Get the values of all cells in the domain.

    list of numpy.ndarray
        The values of all cells in the domain.
    value_list = []
    for cell in self.cells(interior):

    # Convert the list of arrays into a single 2D NumPy array
    return np.vstack(value_list)

listify_interior(split, split_loc)

Get the values of all interior cells in the domain in a list.

  • split (bool) –

    Whether or not to split the values in each cell into two lists.

  • split_loc (int) –

    The location to split the values in each cell, if split is True.

  • ndarray

    The values of all interior cells in the domain in a list.

Source code in splitfxm/
def listify_interior(self, split, split_loc):
    Get the values of all interior cells in the domain in a list.

    split : bool
        Whether or not to split the values in each cell into two lists.
    split_loc : int, optional
        The location to split the values in each cell, if `split` is `True`.

        The values of all interior cells in the domain in a list.
    nb_left, nb_right = self.nb(btype.LEFT), self.nb(btype.RIGHT)
    interior_values = self.values()[nb_left: -nb_right, :]

    if not split:
        return interior_values.flatten()
        if split_loc is None:
            raise SFXM("Split location must be specified in this case")

        # Extract outer and inner block values
        outer_values = interior_values[:, :split_loc].flatten()
        inner_values = interior_values[:, split_loc:].flatten()

        # Concatenate outer and inner values into a single array
        return np.concatenate((outer_values, inner_values))

update(dt, interior_residual_block)

Update the values of all cells in the domain.

  • dt (float) –

    The time step size.

  • interior_residual_block (list of float) –

    The residuals for the interior cells in the domain.

Source code in splitfxm/
def update(self, dt, interior_residual_block):
    Update the values of all cells in the domain.

    dt : float
        The time step size.
    interior_residual_block : list of float
        The residuals for the interior cells in the domain.

    for i, cell in enumerate(self.interior()):
        cell.update(dt, interior_residual_block[i])